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Exploring The Research, Developing Competency, and Marketing

This webinar covers what every collaborative professionals should know about implementing and interpreting the professional experience survey

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the execution and practical applications for the effectiveness of collecting data, while developing and implementing a systematic research based Collaborative matter.
2. Identify relevant circumstances associated with the research data which will inform professionals and increase competency and clinical skills on a Collaborative Team
3. Apply gathered data for mentoring skills for professional and client growth and development in pre- and de-briefs to be applied in Team meetings.

Why Conduct Research:
• Expand your knowledge on a subject and gather evidence
• Will assist you in your decision making. It also allows you to improve on your ability and skill development.
• Springboard for conversation about your cases.

What You Will Learn From the Data:
• What Percentage of Settled Cases had Positive Resolutions?
• What was the Average Cost?
• What were the Average Total Hours?
• How Many Years, Months did it take to Conclude?
• How Many Team Meetings were held?
• How Many Hours Did the Average Team Meeting Last?
• What were the Difficulty Factors?
• How Many Professionals? Did it use a Full Team?
• What was the Average Satisfaction Level of Clients?
Multiple Uses of the Survey Data:
• Use the survey data as your Marketing Tool with clients and colleagues
• Use the survey as a debriefing tool
• Use the survey to build on your strengths and learn from your challenges
• Use the survey to guide your Teams toward a more time efficient and cost effective process
• Use the survey to assist you to better screen clients for your next case

Randy Heller and the FACP Research Committee

Presented on Thursday February 25, 2021