We are pleased to announce that The Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida (CFLCFL) and Brevard Collaborative Association (BCA) will be jointly presenting the following CE/CLE program!
The program will be offered virtually (via Zoom) on
Friday, February 9th, 9am-12:15pm.
The program is free for members of CFL-CFL and BCA, and $50 for nonmembers.
As collaborative professionals we sometimes face ethical concerns or dilemmas that must be
addressed by the team. MHPs/CNFs can help facilitate effective resolutions of these concerns.
This course will help familiarize collaborative professionals with potential ethical dilemmas to
proactively avoid and/or successfully address. Special note, this program qualifies MHP’s/CNF’s for 3 hours of Collaborative Ethics needed for FACP accreditation.
Participants will be able to:
1. Identify common ethical dilemmas faced by professionals in collaborative cases
2. Apply collaborative ethical standards to address determining appropriateness of clients
with capacity issues (substance use, mental health) and maintaining professional role
specificity in collaborative process
3. Demonstrate the ability to address ethical dilemmas with collaborative professionals in a
collaborative manner
Please register by emailing Renee Natvig (renee@reneenatvig.com) your:
Phone number
License # or Bar #
Practice Group
Non Members: $50 payment by going to Paypal.com and then “Send money” to:
Renee Natvig, LCSW
Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida
(407) 625-3134
Dr. Kristin Wallace, LMHC- QCS(FL), NCC, CFMHE, CCCE
Brevard Collaborative Association
(772) 361-1413
Continuing Education provided by Dr. Carol L. Clark, Provider #50-550/BAP585. This course (#20-1138076) is approved for 3 CEs Ethics by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, expires 3/25; the
Florida Board of Nursing, expires 10/25; and the Florida Board of Psychology, expires 5/24. The Board of Psychology will not revoke the continuing psychological education credit given to any psychologist for the completion of any continuing psychological education program sponsored by a provider whose status is later revoked by the Board as a result of any complaint registered
against the program by a psychologist.